Software Development Ruby on Rails with Postgresql using Docker Compose So in the previous post I explained how to get a rails application up and running using Docker. But that project was using SQLite as it’s database. What if we want to use something else? In the Dockerfile we had installed the packages to enable us to switch our
Software Development Developing with Ruby on Rails using Docker for Windows I have been using Vagrant for a while in order to develop Ruby applications in an isolated environment, and it has served me well. But I wanted to give Docker a try! Especially since they have released Docker for Windows. Previously we only had the Docker Toolbox that included a
Software Development Lets Play With Nancy! I have just discovered Nancy when I was trying to find a way to decouple the MVC element from my ASP.NET applications. I knew there had to be a way! It is very easy to decouple your Web API stuff using the readily available Owin packages ( Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.
Software Development Hello, Entity Framework With the near release of Entity Framework 7, I thought it was about time I gave my two cents on the usefulness of the current version. I’ve been using it for a few years now, and have found it easy (and fun) to use. But, what is Entity Framework?
Software Development JM09K Matrix Keypad Quirks Some more details may be required for the JM09K Matrix Keypad. I spent far too long trying to find out what pins needed to be hooked up, as they are not the same as the matrix keypads used in some of the Arduino projects I found. Luckily, I managed to